2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

REVIEW for New Rules of Retirement

A big thank you goes out to author Warren MacKenzie for sending me this great little resource book.
TITLE: New Rules of Retirement
AUTHOR: Warren MacKenzie
GENRE: Personal Finance
RATING: 4 Stars
I am not quite a baby boomer, but I am not far from it and, of course, what is mainly on my mind these days is the economy but more specifically, my retirement.
Unfortunately, we were not, in my opinion, a generation that was encouraged to save at a young age. We did not have all of the information at our disposal that the younger generation has at theirs when it comes to retirement and saving money. Therefore, I find myself scrambling a little bit to catch up.
I like reading book like the New Rules for Retirement, because I do believe, indeed, that the retirement picture has seriously changed from when my grandparents or even my parents retired.Author MacKenzie gives us a great overview of what this picture now looks like. He also goes into great detail about how to achieve the best retirement possible and does some numbers crunching for us. I also found myself thinking "that's a good idea" on more than one occasion.
Fortunately, Mackenzie has taken the emotion out of looking at what retirement is and encourages us to look at it honestly and calmly. He also argues that there is more than just 1 way to retire and takes a look at some other options.
I found myself feeling better after having read this book - I also found a few good ideas that I am implementing.This is a great read and best of all, it is directed at the Canadian retirement picture.

1 comment:

Wall-to-wall books said...

I'm not so sure about the book but the cover on this is great!!!! That is just where I want to be, in an Adirondack chair on the lake.

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