2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

REVIEW for Exercise Balls for Dummies

A big, big thank you goes out to Erika at Wiley & Sons Canada for sending me this extremely helpful book!!

TITLE: Exercise Balls for Dummies
GENRE: Exercise
RATING: 4 Stars
I am a fan of Pilates and Yoga and of late, my Pilates teacher has decided to start using the Exercise Ball in some of her exercises. This ball is a huge mystery to me. It looks relatively harmless, but really, it is a tricky little thing to conquer and master.I was thrilled to discover Exercise Balls for Dummies, because frankly, that sounds just like me.
First of all, I could not figure out how to buy the correct ball size for home use, then, of course, we are talking about the whole "proper use" of this thing.In Exercise Balls for Dummies, all of these topics and loads more are covered in patient detail! I actually brought my book with me to the store when I bought my ball. I wanted to make certain to get it correct.
This book was an invaluable tool in getting me started off on the right foot with the exercise ball.It is loaded with pictures and handy tips for the best ball buying, inflating (this is not as easy as I thought) and it also covers alot of the security concerns that I had.
This book also features a nice section showing the various exercises that can be done with this tool - complete with pictures to make sure we are properly aligned when doing the exercises
.If you are like me and are a little bit intimidatd by this fitness tool, then this is the book for you. Now, if only I could figure out how to get the book to actually do the exercises for me!!!????


K Giardina said...

I'm so grateful it actually occurred to someone to write this book! lol I have a new exercise ball, and, er - well, I need to pick up a copy of this one. *grin* I've always considered myself fairly well-coordinated, but this has allowed me to reach new heights (depths?) of disaster without actually injuring myself. *gads*

Yvette Kelly said...

Good they have a book out because the contortions I see people getting into at my gym with the exercise ball somehow tells me something is not right.

Teddy Rose said...

Once you figure out how to get the book to excersize for you, please share. That's just the book I'm looking for! LOL!

Thanks for the review! I'm going to see in my library has it yet.

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