2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

REVIEW for Robert Munsch

A big thank you goes out to one of my favorite Canadian publishers Fitzhenry & Whiteside
TITLE: Robert Munsch
AUTHOR: Frank B. Edwards
GENRE: Children's Biography
RATING: 4 Stars
One of the things I love most about Fitzhenry & Whiteside is the fact that they are Canadian and that many of their books (although they have a much larger target audience) are aimed at children - and these books are always beautifully written and illustrated. While there are not quite as many illustrations in Robert Munsch - this absolutely spot on biography of this author who has spent his life writing books for children is extremely interesting and entertaining.

Aimed at a younger audience (between 8 to 14 years of age approx) this book details the younger life of Munsch. How he was part of a large family and found a way to escape the noise with his love of all things books. I did not know that he was actually encouraged by a librarian to share his writing talents and I thought this was very encouraging for all youngsters out there who have found a creative outlet and would like to perhaps take their turn at writing. As I read this biography, I could actually feel the love that Munsch has for both the art of writing, but also for the children that he writes for.

This biography, as I mentioned, is aimed at youngsters. It is well written, with easy to read words and the font was big enough for those closer to age 8 or so who may not be quite as able to read quickly.

Although I did mention that there are not as many illustrations as a story book, there are still some very nice pictures of the author, I especially like the ones from when he was a boy.
Overall, I really liked this absolutely delightful biography. A must read for all those who want to feel inspired and who fans of this author.


cindysloveofbooks said...

Tina this sounds like a really great book for Munsch fans. I will have to add that to my TB list. Michael loves his books.

KR said...

I teach kindergarten. He is definitely one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing this.

Teddy Rose said...

Wow, what a coinsidence. I just posted a short review on his book Pigs today.

I didn't grow up in Canada and have decided to check out some Canadian children's books to see what I've been missing. I have lived in Canada for over 16 years now and even have citizenship and have been falling in love with Canadian authors.

I went to the library and asked the librarian in the children's section what Canadian books she recommended. Munsch was at the top of her list.

I'll have to put this on my TBR as well.

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