2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

REVIEW for Castration

Random House Children was kind enough to send this book to me!

TITLE: Castration

AUTHOR: Jake Wizner

RATING: 2 Stars
I am not quite certain what to make of this book. First off, the title is a little misleading or maybe its perfect for this story, it depends on how you view this storyline. The storyline is triggered by Olivia who walks in on some very "undad" like behavior on the part of her dad - this sends Olivia into a tizz - which inspires her to write a play while she is in the arts program for the summer. She enlists the help of her somewhat dysfunctional and odd friends and as time and events develop between these teens, a musical is born.
This book is written for YA and is meant to be funny in a raunchy kind of way. I have no problem with this, but I just could not connect with any of the characters - they all felt somewhat self-serving to me and using the summer as a excuse to basically get raunchy.
I just could not get into this one at all, although it seems to have been highly appreciated by many other readers.


bermudaonion said...

The title of that one really turns me off. (At first I thought you were reading a book for farmers.)

Diana Dang said...

Haha, this is an apparently dirty book. I want to read it tho to see how dirty.

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