2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

REVIEW for And Then Everything Unraveled

Thank you goes out to author Jennifer Sturman for sending me a copy of her book!

TITLE: And Then Everything Unraveled
AUTHOR: Jennifer Sturman
RATING: 3.5 Stars

And Then Everything Unraveled is part YA contemporary fiction and part YA mystery. We meet Delia who is a typical young woman - she is not quite as old as she thinks she is and she thinks that she basically has it all figured out. She finds out from her mother's business partner that her mom - T.K., who is a world traveller and "do gooder" is missing. Apparently, the ship she was travelling on has mysteriously disappeared! This means that Delia, according to her mother's wishes, will go and live in New York with one of her aunts (while the other aunt will be responsible for Delia's financial situation as well as her schooling). However, Delia, who has always had some "connection" problems with her cannot believe that she is actually dead and this will become a major focal point of this novel.

What worked very well for me in this novel is the relationship that Delia develops (or doesn't) with her two aunts who are very different from each other. I loved the dialogue when all three characters were in the room together. I also liked that Delia is smart and bright and she was fun to read.

I also really liked the writing which was very down to earth and a joy to read.

However, I felt as though the book gets bogged down a little too much with the "mystery" - especially towards the end of the book. I know that this is a key part of the plotline - but it felt a little contrived to me and I could actually see the storyline coming a mile away.

Overall, this book is fun and clever - however a little predictable!!!

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

The book does sound interesting, but I'm not sure it's for me.

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