2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

REVIEW for Spin


AUTHOR: Robert Rave

GENRE: Fiction
RATING: 3 Stars
Spin is written by Robert Rave and actually focuses on the point of view of the guy in the storyline - who has somehow found himself in the corrupt and yet attractive and glamorous life of the people who "spin" events for celebrities and other types of rich people who manage to get themselves in trouble on a daily basis.
Taylor works for Jennie Weinstein - who is starting to believe her own press more and more and is asking Taylor to do increasingly odder and odder things. Taylor will find himself at a point where he will need to decide what is real and true to his values.
This story is entertaining and takes a very close up and personal look at the lives of people who seem to live in a totally different world than the average person - those who have wayyyy too much time and money on their hands.

The author does a great job of describing this world and makes me feel as though I was actually there and that was the best part of the book.

However, I just could not get into liking any of the characters, including Taylor who is pretty shallow himself - although I suspect this is part of the point of this novel - that none of these people are deep and that although Taylor may have a little bit more insight into who he is, he can still be a jerk.

This is a perfect beach read - some steamy scenes and some delicious inside information into "that" world.


Bingo said...

sounds like a fun summer chik lit to me...thanks for the good review!

Yvette @ True Crime Books said...

You seem to read the most interesting books.How do you choose them?

Tina said...

Thanks Yvette! I spend alot of time on the Net trying to make lists of upcoming releases that sound interesting to me. Also, I get contacted quite alot by authors and publishers to review their books and that helps!

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