2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

REVIEW for This Little Mommy Stayed Home

A big thank you goes out to Jess at Random House Canada for sending me this book


TITLE: This Little Mommy Stayed Home

AUTHOR: Samantha Wilde

GENRE: Fiction

RATING: 2 Stars


First off, I have to say that the baby on the cover of this book is absolutely the most adorable looking! I am a big fan of covers and I really loved this one. Actually, the cover was interesting as it shows clearly the baby, but not the mother's face - which is in tune with the tone of this book.

Although this appears, at first glace, to perhaps be a chick lit book, its really more of a coming to terms type of book than a chick lit. Yes, there are some funny episodes and yes, there is some romance, but this novel is all about our main character Joy who has had to grow up and actually deal with the responsibilities in her life. I liked the writing style of author Wilde and I like the unique situations that the main character Joy finds herself in - however, I did not care very much for Joy or any of the characters in this book. Joy came off as being totally surprised that she actually has a baby - as if one day she looked down and she was 9months pregnant. Her husband is basically useless for much of the storyline and her mother - forget about her mother! In some types of novel, this would actually be sad, but the main character is pretty shallow and as a matter of fact, keeps having these crushes on men that are not her husband - but yet, seems pretty clueless as to how to even begin to deal with her own husband issues.

As I mentioned, some of the situations Joy finds herself in are funny and I loved reading about them, but this novel just felt shallow to me. I am sure the author was going for the "funny side" of first time mothering, but, in my opinion, this book does not really come close to it.


bermudaonion said...

I had high hopes for this one based on the cover - too bad it's a stinker.

Bingo said...

Now this is a cover that sells a book as far as I am concerned..thanks for sharing!

Jillian said...

It's a shame you didn't enjoy this one. I'll probably skip this one now and move on to the next book on my reading list.

But, I do have a recommendation, since you didn't like this one! It's called 'Knickles and Dimes'. It has hilarious characters and a great story. I think you'll enjoy it!

Anyway, better luck with the next one! Thanks for the review : )

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