2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, September 4, 2009

REVIEW for Hollywood is Like High School with Money

Thank you goes out to Miriam at Hachette Books for sending me a copy of this book!

TITLE: Hollywood is Like High School
with Money
AUTHOR: Zoey Dean

GENRE: Chick Lit
RATING: 4 Stars
I am a huge fan of chick lit and I can never seem to get enough. I was hesitant about reading this book for some reason, but as soon as I opened the first chapter, I was hooked.

Our main character Taylor Henning is driven, but at the same time nice - in the beginning, however soon enough we find that Taylor faces a main nemesis and will do anything, and I mean ANYTHING to get ahead.
I loved the title of this book because, basically, the characters, although "adult" could absolutely be confused with high school students trying to "one up" each other at every turn. There is back stabbing (big time), bad mouthing, gossip which turns into life lessons - its obvious that even if you are an adult, it does not mean you are on the righteous path of right and wrong.

This book moves along at a fast pace and frankly, I disliked most of the main characters which actually worked well for this novel!

This is a fun beach read and I am glad that I actually caved and read it.


bermudaonion said...

I won this book, so I'm really glad to see it's good.

Wall-to-wall books said...

I've heard alot about this book. I am glad you liked it!

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