2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

REVIEW for Retail Hell

A big, big thank you goes out to author Freeman Hall for sending me a copy of his wonderful new book


TITLE: Retail Hell

AUTHOR: Freeman Hall

GENRE: Memoir

RATING: 4 Stars

Congratulations Freeeeeeemmaaaannn, you have managed to make me totally scared of the retail world - and, as a client, I will be doubly careful with the people behind the counters from now on. I loved this book. It was extremely funny and author Freeman Hall has a wonderful way of telling the story.

I have to say that Freeman is kind of a major pain in the derriere himself and I can just imagine having to come face to face with him behind the counter. He comes across as extremely sarcastic and frankly, a bit of a snob, but this only adds to the "fun" factor in the storytelling. I laughed when I read about the (what feels like) million of stairs he and his fellow co-workers had to use everytime they entered and left the store. The crazy, over the top enthusiasm from the store managers was also hilarious (although I can just imagine how annoying it must be to have this woman giving orders).

This book, while taking a funny and bitting look at our love of retailing and spending, spending (how crazy is it to spend so much money on a handbag? although I have done it myself!!!), I could not help but also feel some sadness. This book also shows us just what is wrong (in part) with society right now - spending too much money on our "wants", working at jobs we don't like, people disrespecting each other and big corporations trying to "brainwash" us.

However, I am being way too serious here, because this book is a delicious insight into what it is like to be on the "other" side of the counter and I loved every minute of it.


bermudaonion said...

This does sound like a fun read, even for someone like me who really doesn't like to spend money!

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading Retail Hell and I love it! I laughed my ass off! Too funny. I know what I'm giving my friends for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I loved this book I worked in retail during my college years, and dealt with a lot of the same crap. If you have ever worked in retail or know someone who does, you will love this book. It is deliciously dark humored as well!!

MonieG said...

This sounds like a lot of fun. I'm going to keep my eye out for it. Thanks!

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