2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

REVIEW for Yiddish Yoga

A big thank you goes out to Harry at New Market Press for sending me this delightful book.

TITLE: Yiddish Yoga
AUTHOR: Lisa Grunberger
GENRE: Yoga musings
RATING: 4 Stars
I love all things yoga and I especially love books focusing on yoga. Yiddish Yoga is an absolutey delightful little book (just a little over 100 pages) of musings on Yoga by the author (in the voice of Ruthie our main character) Lisa Grunberger.

Ruthie is an older lady who has just lost her husband - somewhat lost, her granddaugher decides to pay for Ruthie's yoga lessons. However, Ruthie has never done yoga and is skeptical - still she agrees to go.

What follows is an hilarious, touching and absolutely wonderful book of Ruthie's musings about yoga and about yoga/life in general. For example, as Ruthie learns Warrior 1 pose - she comments that she is now "a Senior Citizen Power Warrior Bubby". I loved it.

This book is an easy read, but I chose to read only a few pages a day - kind of like a daily meditation because Ruthie and her love of life was so engaging that I felt as though I needed to carry her with me on a daily basis. She will also make you want to take up yoga classes.

This book is inspirational and cute and poignant and lovely.


bermudaonion said...

This book sounds delightful!

Wall-to-wall books said...

Even just the title made me giggle!

sacksomophone said...

Is there any Yiddish component to the book? Or is Ruthie just Jewish?

Tina said...

Sacksomophone, I don't really think there is a big Yiddish component to the book :)

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