2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

REVIEW for Wrapped-Up FoxTrot

Thank you to Andrews McMeel Publishing for sending me this great, great comic strip.

TITLE: Wrapped-Up FoxTrot
AUTHOR: Bill Amend
GENRE: Comic Strip
RATING: 5 Stars

I love, love FoxTrot and Bill Amend. I was thrilled to receive this new compilation of comic strips and it was a joy, as always, to read and savor.

FoxTrot features an everyday family - laugh out loud Jason who is a computer geek who hates "girls" and feels as though they have "cooties". Peter who can eat three times his weight and never gains an ounce, Paige who is Jason's main victim for all his pranks and the parents - the mom who keeps cooking healthy and horrible food like tofu loaf and the dad who has two hairs on his head and keeps looking for someone to play chess with.

I never, never get tired of reading this strip. I laugh all the time, no matter how many times I read these.

This book had 192 pages which is one of their bigger compilations. There are a few color strips, but most of these are in black and white.

I look forward to much more from this strip.


Wall-to-wall books said...

Wow - 5 stars! That is so unlike you, LOL.

bermudaonion said...

I bet this was loads of fun to read! I love FoxTrot too!

holdenj said...

Hadn't heard this was coming out! It looks great!

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