2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

REVIEW for Hush Hush

A big thank you to Michelle at Simon and Schuster for sending me a copy of this book!


AUTHOR: Becca Fitzpatrick


RATING: 3 Stars

Hush Hush is not the type of book I usually read (as my previous reviews no doubt show). However, this book had a few things going for it - among them - the cover. I am a "judge a book by its cover" type of girl and I enjoy good covers very much - this book had one!

Secondly, people have been talking about this book all over the place and I just had to see what the big deal was. Lastly, I like novels that are set in weird, creepy like towns and this one was set in Maine - which was a definite attraction to me (can you save Stephen King?).

I will start with the things I liked. The writing is excellent, author Fitzpatrick does a great job of moving the narrative along at a good pace, introducing to the main characters and fleshing them out just enough to make the storyline interesting. She does not include too many useless details and I appreciate that. As mentioned, this story is perfectly creepy and vascillates, for me, between a horror book and a thriller - with some supernatural thrown in for good measure. Now, for the things that I had a bit more of an issue with. I did not really connect with either of the main characters. Nora seems either naive or just plain dumb to me. She spends alot of time being manipulated by either Patch (the other main character) or her BFF Vee.

Patch is creepy, creepy - although some people really got into him, I found him to have all the perfect qualifications for being a cross between a stalker and a class A-1 jerk. I know that part of the storyline revolves around his mysterious past and exactly who (or what) he really is - but somehow that did not work for me all that well.

However, I like that this book is dark and creepy and at times, made my hair stick up on end. Some of the weird stuff that happens to Nora was seriously bizarre and well written, if only I had connected more with the main characters.

Nonetheless, it was a good read and I am happy that I did read it.


bermudaonion said...

A lot of people are loving this one, but I don't think it's for me.

in which a girl reads said...

Great Review! I really enjoyed Hush, Hush

Wall-to-wall books said...

Hahahahaha - the corpse pose!!!
Now that was funny!

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