2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

REVIEW for Mariposa

A big thank you goes out to Vanguard Press for sending me this book!

TITLE: Mariposa

AUTHOR: Greg Bear

GENRE: Sci-Fi/Thriller

RATING: 4 Stars

Mariposa is the second Greg Bear novel that I have read and I am truly enjoying this author.

In this one, we find ourselves slightly in the future and things are no looking good for the US economy - and there is someone waiting in the wings to take over control of the US - Alex Price is rich beyond belief and is only interest in dominating the world! when the President is shot, all hell breaks loose and the government is about to be toppled, the FBI agents (last seen in Quantico) are the country's only hope. So, working together with a man "on the inside" of Price's corporation, they must run up against the clock in order to bring Price down.

However, Price proves himself to be a strong adversaries, having created his own army of soldiers through experiments conducted through a project called Mariposa.

It will be up to FBI agents, among them Rebecca Rose (who has issues of her own) to make sure that Price goes down.

This novel is an absolute thrill ride. The pace never stops and you are never really sure who the good guys and who the bad guys are. I found myself confused a little bit at times because there are quite a few characters being introduced here, but once you get all the players in place, you will be able to follow the storyline.

I kept wondering just where the heck this book was going to end up? never certain that the good guys would win in the end.

This one was a wild, wild ride.

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