2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

REVIEW for The Truth About Cheating

Thank you to John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. for sending me this book!

TITLE: The Truth about Cheating

AUTHOR: M. Gary Newman

GENRE: Self-Help

RATING: 3 Stars

I thought this premise was intriguing. While, of course, nobody has come up with the "definitive" reason why men cheat, I am always interested in the theories that are offered.

This book, to be honest, does not really offer up any new or earth-shattering theories and frankly, I am not quite sure what it was offring as suggestions other than to say that women, for the most part, should look for "the signs" that a man is cheating, then discuss them with him and then, hopefully encourage some communication (two way) and forgiveness.

I thought this book was a little simplistic and not necessarily based in a lot of reality. It seems to me that by the time men have cheated, they are at a place, not all of course, but many - where they don't care anymore about much - with the exception of getting caught. So, how realistic is it to do the whole "discuss and communicate and forgive" thing? I am not sure - perhaps this works in some cases, but for the most part????

Also, I have often wondered myself if human beings are meant to be with only one person and, unfortunately, this book never even considers this as a possibility.

The writing is down to earth and the subject matter is interesting which is why I rated this 3 stars - but frankly, there is nothing new here.

1 comment:

Wall-to-wall books said...

Sounds Like I could have written this book myself. Been there, done that, divorced him.

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