2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, October 2, 2009

REVIEW for Viola in Reel Life

A big thank you goes out to Melissa who sent me a copy of this YA novel!!!
TITLE: Viola in Reel Life
AUTHOR: Adriana Trigiani
RATING: 4 Stars
I have read Adriana Trigiani's chick lit and enjoyed it and I was extremely pleased to read her debut YA novel which features an absolutely delightful main character that I instantly connected with.
Viola is now in boarding school - at the aptly?? named Academy for Young Women (can you imagine saying you go to a school with that name?). So, now she must make do for a whole year, living in Indiana. Of course, she completely misses New York (who wouldn't) and is feeling despondent and more than a little challenged.

Yet, from the opening lines of this wonderful YA novel, you can feel the positive attitude and survival instinct that Viola seems to instinctly have.
Although, she is not happy about the change, she tries to make the best of it, using all kinds of different tools, which include humour, sarcasm and a healthy dose of acceptance.
Although Viola tries to pace herself, she finds herself making some BFF friends, who will become incredibly important to her and she will also find a guy that becomes much more than a friend.

This novel is heartwarming and I love the message that the author chooses to send through Viola - be happy! learn to go with the flow! and live your life to the best of your abilities.

I also enjoyed the writing - easily recognizing Trigiani's trademark writing style.

This was a joy to read.


Wall-to-wall books said...

She did a YA book?? Has she ever done a YA book before?
Sounds good.

Tina said...

ItsJUSTme-Wendy - I don't think so. I believe this is her YA debut!

cindysloveofbooks said...

Tina yes this is her debut novel for YA. I really enjoyed it. Great story.

bermudaonion said...

I loved Viola and this book. I can't wait for the next Viola book to come out!

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