I just found this terrific challenge over Jessica's site http://www.chicklitteens.com/2009/12/10-in-10-teen-chick-lit-challenge.html and author Kay Cassidy at http://www.kaycassidy.com/.
and you know I could not resist it. I mean, its perfect:
chick lit AND YA combined! I can so do this one!!!! So, here is the challenge:
1) Grab the official 10 in '10 Teen Chick Lit Challenge logo above and put it on your site with a link back to this page to let people know you're playing.
2) Choose 10 teen chick lit books to read in 2010. Or select the ones you know you want to read and leave the rest of your list open to see what comes your way in 2010. (We'll be talking about the great teen chick lit books we've read each month, so you may find some new ones that catch your eye!)
Here is my partial list (cauz I plan on doing more than 10 this year!):
1) A Match Made in High School by Kristin Walker;
1) A Match Made in High School by Kristin Walker;
2) Bikini Breakdown by Melody Carlson;
3) Gimme a Call by Sarah Mlynowski;
4) Cinderella Society by Kay Cassidy (I swear this one has been on my list for months!!!);
5) Alpha Bet by Stephanie Hale;
6) Arm Candy by Jill Kargman;
7) For Keeps by Nathasha Friend;
8) She's So Dead to Us by Kieran Scott;
I will add to the list as I discover more books that I would like to read!!!
So happy to have you aboard, Tina! And thank you so much for including The Cinderella Society on your list. How fun! I haven't heard of Arm Candy yet, so I'm off to check that out. That's what I love about these challenges - you get introduced to great books you might never have known about otherwise!
Tina this is a great challenge for you and one that I know you will do good in.
I hope I will have that Carlson book for you.
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