TITLE: Beautiful
AUTHOR: Cindy Martinusen-Coloma
RATING: 4 Stars
Beautiful is exactly the type of YA book that I adore. An entertaining storyline, engaging character, but more specifically, a social message that comes out loud and clear without being pushy or preachy. Ellie is, to the world to see, perfect and happy. She basically has it all - according to the everyone around her. Yet, Ellie, although not unhappy is also missing something - that she can't quite put a finger on.
In one moment, everything changes for her and it is a this point that Ellie really starts understanding herself and discvovering what is really important in her life. This novel, although aimed at YA, could easily be read by people of all ages. Its basic messages are clear - never judge your insides with somebody else's outsides AND life will throw you lots of curve balls and it is up to you how you deal with them.
This novel is inspiring and true to life. Ellie is put in a situation where she needs to re-evaluate everything that she "thought" was important - and through a very harsh life lesson, she will find herself with the most important gift - the willingness to grow.
I loved the way the author tells her story - from riches to what may be perceived as "rags" and yet -you get the distinct impression that Ellie is actually richer in the end.
I loved, loved this novel.
I really like the cover. Sounds good.
I love books that have a great lesson like that!
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