2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

REVIEW for The Lonely Hearts Club

Thank you goes out to Nikole at Scholastic Books Canada for sending me a copy of this book!

TITLE: The Lonely Hearts Club

AUTHOR: Elizabeth Eulberg

GENRE: YA chick lit

RATING: 4 stars

The Lonely Hearts Club immediately drew me to the storyline - Penny Lane has just been hurt by another guy - but not "just" another guy, but her childhood friend Nate - he was supposed to be different and it turns out, he was just another jerk, so Penny decides to create The Lonely Hearts Club at school - and surprise, surprise!!!! a ton of girls flock to join - and this annoys most of the guys at the school.

As a 40-something woman who has had her share of loser boyfriends, I immediately fell in love with this book. I love that Penny took a very negative and hurtful situation and turned it into something positive - something in which she could grow out of the experience.

I also loved the interaction between the girls. This book is definitely about guys and their lack of basically everything! but its much more about friendships between girls and realizing that, in life, there are so many things that are important and that guys should never be the only consideration.

The writing is charming and quirky (so is Penny by the way) and I simply adored this book.

By the way, Penny does come to realize that maybe NOT all guys are the same - a lesson I am still trying to learn :)


Wall-to-wall books said...

Does sound good.

Merry Christmas!

bermudaonion said...

I just got this book so I'm glad to see you enjoyed it so much!

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