2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Hi Everyone:

Something a little different for me and this blog! I found this really nice site and fell in love with it! I would like to encourage you to go and register and you might win the grand prize of $5,000.00 - but they also have a contest every month where you could win $200.00!

I don't normally do this, but I gotta say that I am in love with the jewellery! and this tag particularly!!!


For anyone that goes over and enters her contest, you will also be eligible to win a FREE BOOK!!! So, follow the link below and register for the contest and then come back on this blog entry and tell me that you registered and I will automatically enter you into the book contest and the book to be won is:

UNHALLOWED GROUND by Heather Graham.

To register for the contest go to (don't forget to copy the button and the link on your site to be eligible)


don't forget to come back here and tell me you registered so that I can enter you to win the book

Contest ends January 31, 2010 and is open to every country. 1 entry per person please.


Wall-to-wall books said...

Ok, I entered but I did not see where you mention that I saw it on your blog!!!!! I looked all over!

Tina said...

Thanks Wendy! Actually, the link that I have to the actual contest is only for participants from my site, so its recorded that way. I am going to change the content of my blog and remove that part of it.

Thanks for entering and good luck!

Linda Nguyen said...

I entered the sweepstakes. I was also wondering how they'll know that I learned about the contest through you. =)

Tina said...

Linda, actually its quite clever. She has "given" me my own link - so that anyone using it is registered through there. I can even see who has registered myself when I use another link she gave me.

Don't you love the rings and pendants? I wish I had enough $$ to buy some (sigh!).

Linda Nguyen said...

Talk about a girl's fantasy. I thought I'd only want a nice, simple solitary ring around my ring finger, but looking at their collection... gosh, how many women would fall for those?

I really like white gold. I don't know why.

By the way, I tweeted. I hope that helps. =)

Linda Nguyen said...

Did you see those prices? I didn't think those prices could even be possible! I can't help it . . . I must tell my honey. XP

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