2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

REVIEW for The Shoe Princess's Guide to the Galaxy

A big thank you goes out to Bloomsbury Publishing Plc - a great London based publication house with some wonderful chick lit books!!

TITLE: The Shoe Princess's Guide to the

AUTHOR: Emma Bowd

GENRE: Chick lit (yeah!)

RATING: 4 Stars

Ahhh! chick lit and Brit chick lit - which is the best. I instantly fell in love with The Shoe Princess's Guide to the Galaxy - it has absolutely everything that I love in a great chick lit book!

First of all, its chick lit!!!!! secondly, it features a funny, strong and witty main character. Thirdly, it involves shoes, shoes and more shoes, so really all of it just gels together wonderfully to create a storyline that had me hooked from the first second.

Author Emma Boyd knows how to tell a story - I really thought she did a great job of writing a main character that was both a little silly, yet at the same time, was smart and knew where her priorities were (shoes of course!). I think my favorite passage in this book is the definition of what a "heel virgin" is - absolutely hilarious!!! I, myself, have grown quite frightened of heels in the last few years, so this was a topic that was close to my heart (he!he!).

After reading this novel, I kept trying to figure out what our fascination is with shoes and frankly???? I still don't know, but I do know that chick lit and shoes are a wonderful mixture.

1 comment:

Wall-to-wall books said...

I know! I love shoes! My daughter too. Can't get enough of them.

Love the title of this book! Sounds great. Thanks!

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