2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

SEXY MEN - Yep! this has absolutely nothing to do with books!

My friend and I were talking and rating our favorite "TV hunks" (yeah, we both need lives or, at the very least, hobbies :) Anyway, it is truly amazing to see how many gorgeous men are on TV (how come they aren't all around me?).....

Anyway, here is my TOP 5 sexiest guys (you might notice that I have a "thing" for very tall and fairly broad shoulderered guys. Amazingly, they are all around my age (I guess I am over that "young guy" thing - - ALSO, I don't normally like blond hair on guys - mainly because my very first boyfriend had blond hair and well! nuff said (although there is one blond guy who made the list). I would love to hear your comments on this list!!!!

DENIS LEARY of Rescue Me

JOHN Cusack (Say Anything, Con Air, 2012)

David Cubitt of Medium

FINALLY, my choice for the TOP two sexiest - amazingly, both appeared on the same TV show - Law & Order Criminal Intent (I love those casting people at L&O)!!!!
Chris Noth (Sex and the City, L&O)

MY NUMBER 1 - VINCENT D'ONOFRIO (L&O) God, he is sexy!!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Vincent D'Onofrio! Visit my site for him here: http://nantzeefantzeepantz.blogspot.com/ Great post! I quite agree with your #1 choice!

jenny wilson said...

I love Chris North in sex and the city my top would have to be
1 Mark ruffalo
2 Edward Norton
3 Jon Stewart (Guilty pleasure)
4 Ryan Philipe
5 Jmes Galdophini

Wall-to-wall books said...

Totally disagree!
MATTHEW FOX who plays Jack on "LOST"
MARK HARMON who plays Gibbs on "NCIS"
JAMES TUPPER who plays Dr. Sands on "Mercy"
NATHAN FILLION who plays Castle on "Castle"
CHRISTOPHER MELONI who plays Stabler on "SVU"

Those are my top 5!
This was fun, I will talk about men anytime any day!

Tina said...

Wendy! I love talking about men too! I also like Chris Meloni.

Nantz thanks for the link, I will check it out!

Jenny, I like Mark Ruffalo also, but he too short for my taste :(

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love Vincent! Also have a VDO blog come by and visit

Great post btw. Can't go wrong with a gorgeous men bucket list.

Serena said...

I think the only one we agree on is John Cusak!

avisannschild said...

What? Vincent is sexier than Chris Noth? I thought Chris was your #1 man!

Tina said...

Avis, I keep going back and forth between the two, but I like Vincent's smile :)

Although, I am not picky, I will accept a date with either one LOL!

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