2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

REVIEW for The View from the Top

A big thank you to the author for sending me a copy of her great, great book!

TITLE: The View From the Top

AUTHOR: Hillary Frank


RATING: 4 Stars

The View From The Top was an intersting YA read. I even hesitate to say YA because, unlike many other YA books other there, the main character Annabelle is actually older than the "norm" at 18 years old. Interestingly, the author has chosen to take this character and give her some "life altering" experiences at this age - very daring choice.

This book worked for me. It is loaded with imagery - such as the entire Ferris Wheel - where our main character's life echoes the ferris wheel - going up and around - and, in many instances, looking down and realizing that you are "not in Kansas anymore". Loved it.

I thought that the main premise of having Annabelle surrounded by guys that like her or that she likes (not necessarily the same thing) was a bit much - but, it did make the point that the author was trying to get across, so it was easier to accept as part of the storyline.

This is definitely a coming of age story - which shows that there truly is no real age to start "growing up". In fact, the entire message of this book is basically that you will keep learning life lessons -all through your life - but it is how you deal with them and what you do with the lessons that are truly important.

Very well written and engrossing, I loved this book.


Bookalicious Ramblings said...

I've been eyeing this book for a while, it sounds quite interesting ... Thanks for the review! :D

Anonymous said...

Sounds good - and I love the cover. Kind of reminds me of the original Gatsby cover (without Daisy of course).

bermudaonion said...

When you think about it, life is kind of like a Ferris wheel. I think the cover of this book is great too.

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