2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

REVIEW for I Now Pronounce You Someone Else

Thank you! thank you! Nikole at Scholastic Books for sending me a copy of this book.

TITLE:            I now Pronounce You Someone Else

AUTHOR:      Erin McCahan

GENRE:         YA

RATING:        4 Stars

I was so pleasantly surprised when I started reading I Now Pronounce You Someone Else. This YA novel addresses a very interesting subject - for me anyway!

Imagining what your life "really" should be and then, getting the opportunity to actually live it.

The storyline immediately engaged me - although I have to admit to being a little annoyed, at times, with the main character "Phoebe". Sometimes I just wanted to scream at her - stop your whining - your life is not that difficult. Regardless of this, I loved that "Phoebe", who has always thought she should actually "be" someone else and have a totally different life than the one she has - fall in love and actually gets to see her wish realized. She is now in a loving relationship - which also comes complete with the kind of family she has always believed she should be part of.

However, "Phoebe" slowly starts to realize that maybe her dreams and the thing that she has always wanted so dearly may not actually be everything she thought - in fact, "getting what she wants" may end up not being what she needs at all.

Loved the writing style and the message that this novel contains - be happy with who/what you are and believe that you will always receive everything you need AND NOT everything you want.

I found this book entertaining and I was actually sorry to see it end. Very good read.


Laura at Library of Clean Reads said...

Love the cover and the premise of the storyline. Nikole is great, isn't she? Thanks for this review.

bermudaonion said...

This sounds like a winner! I think we all need to be reminded to be thankful from time to time.

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