2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

REVIEW for Intercept

A huge thank you goes out to the wonderful people at Perseus Books for sending me this book.

TITLE: Intercept

AUTHOR: Patrick Robinson

GENRE: Thriller

RATING: 3 Stars

Navy Seal Mack Bedford is back in this newest book by Patrick Robinson. Actually Robinson and a handful of others are the only authors I truly enjoy - who write in this "genre" as I don't normally like reading about terrorists, etc.

Intercept is okay - for some reason, I felt as though this one simply did not engage me as much as Robinson's other works and I think it is because I thought the pacing was too slow. One of the big problems I have with many authors is that they write thrillers, without realizing that, while details are important, they can also slow the storyline considerably and I think this is the issue here.

I like the character of Bedford who is both a hero and a bit of a horror as well - a nice mixture and I like the main premise of this book - finding 4 terrorists who were released by the US government in the first place, but I just felt as though this one was not up to par.

1 comment:

Wall-to-wall books said...

Hey come by my blog - chick-lit giveaway!!!

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