2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

REVIEW for An Ideal Wife

TITLE:           An Ideal Wife

AUTHOR:     Gemma Townley

GENRE:        Chick Lit

RATING:       2 Stars

Okay, I have read ALL of Gemma Townley's books and I have to say that I think it is way time to retire this particular series, not to mention the main character.

My love for these characters and this series, started wearing thin in the last installment but, I remained optimistic that somehow, Townley would redeem the storyline.

If it is at all possible, An Ideal Wife is an even more annoying and frustrating read than the previous one.

The entire novel is about our main characters fear of somehow, not measuring up to some weird standard (it is never made clear exactly where this standard comes from) of what it means to be an Ideal Wife. Not only is this entire premise sexist and silly, it made for incredibly boring reading.

Every other sentence, spoken by Jess, is about how incompetent she is and how her husband will, no doubt leave her, because she can't cook. What follows is an entire storyline about various so called "hilarious" experiences where Jess desperately tries to cook or do some other "ideal wife" thing - just to show her husband how much she loves him.

The entire cast of characters seem to hover around her - somehow never connecting to just how stupid and silly she is, all the while "real" life problems abound, which, of course, Jess is completely clueless about.

I love chick lit and I am willing to suspend my disbelief - up to a point, but this one offended me on so many levels and on top of that IT WAS downright boring.

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