2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

REVIEW for Nice and Mean

A big, big thank you goes out to Simon & Schuster for sending me this great, great book!

TITLE:                    Nice and Mean

AUTHOR:              Jessica Leader

GENRE:                YA

RATING:               4 Stars

I don't normally read middle grade books - I find them, as a rule, a tad too simplistic, however, Nice and Mean can definitely be considered the exception to this rule.
The author took a basic premise and turned it into an interesting and intriguing novel - joining two students together in order to make a video. Through alternating chapters, we are privy to the differences in both voices - from the so called "good girl" to the so called "bad girl".

I liked that the book clearly shows us the background of both of these girls - helping us better understand why both are the way they are today - the message is clear - don't judge a book (or someone else) by its cover.

I also liked the cultural references to India (a personal interest of mine) and the fact that while these two girls appear to be so opposite on the surface - they may or may not be all that different after all - deep down inside.

I read this book in one sitting - it was fun, deep in some spots and funny in others - a perfect blend - just like our two main characters.


bermudaonion said...

Sounds like a good book with a good message.

Donna said...

Nice review, Tina. I like a book I can read it one sitting! (A rare occurrence for me...)

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