2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

REVIEW for Brave Girl Eating

A huge thank you goes out to author Harriet Brown for so kindly sending me this book!

TITLE:               Brave Girl Eating

AUTHOR:          Harriet Brown

GENRE:             Memoir

RATING:           4 Stars

As most of you know, I suffer from an eating disorder that, for the most part, I am in recovery for, although I have to admit that it can be a tough road at times.

This is why I find myself so attracted to this type of book and I find myself reading Brave Girl with tears in my eyes.  This particular book was even more difficult to read as it comes, from the perspective, of the mother.

When you are in the midst of your disease, you just about forget that your disease does, indeed, affect those around you who love you and this book is a strong reminder that eating disorders is not only hell for the person who is suffering from them, but also for all those who love the sufferer.

This book is honest, brutally honest, especially when Harriet frankly writes about her frustrating, anger and fears - her voice comes out strong, sad and frightened - all at the same time.

The story itself is frightening, hopeful and sad - so sad....

But, as always, I admire those who stand tall and give a voice to this disease and this book has turned out to be one of my absolute favorites on the subject - I will, without a doubt, end up reading it again and again.


bermudaonion said...

This sounds like an important book. Thanks for your great review!

Amy said...

I did not know that you had an eating disorder - very sorry to hear that and I hope you can continue on the road to recovery and ultimately beat it. This sounds like a really moving and powerful book. Definitely going on my 'I want it' list.

Amy said...

I did not know that you had an eating disorder - very sorry to hear that and I hope you can continue on the road to recovery and ultimately beat it. This sounds like a really moving and powerful book. Definitely going on my 'I want it' list.

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