2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

REVIEW for How To Make A Bird

Thank you Nikole for sending me this book!

TITLE:               How To Make A Bird

AUTHOR:          Martine Murray

GENRE:             YA

RATING:           3 Stars

How To Make A Bird truly meets my definition of a coming of age book for YA.

The novel is ladden with "moments" that are geared towards helping the main character better understand her life and her role in it - as well as her role in the family dynamics. In fact, this novel is tied into family drama and all the joys and pains it can bring.

While I did like the basic premise, I found the book incredibly heavy to read - including the writing which was a little bit more "prosaic" than it really needed to be. In my mind, this story was hard enough to read without having to deal with some writing that could be considered, in my opinion, a little bit over the top at times.

I think this novel was incredibly well intentioned - but maybe just not my style.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

That style of writing doesn't seem right for a YA novel.

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