2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

REVIEW for The Julian Game

Thank you to author Adele Griffin for so kindly sending me a copy of her book!

TITLE:                  The Julian Game

AUTHOR:             Adele Griffin

GENRE:                YA

RATING:              4 Stars

In fact, The Julian Game is the perfect high school novel - with the main characters Raye and Ella - setting up and creating an entire "online" person in order to "trick" Julian- the guy that everyone loves/hates at the same time.  It seems as though each high school has one of those doesn't it?

What I liked about this lighthearted novel is that the plot involves, almost entirely, technology and all that comes with it - FB, email accounts, etc.  It is truly amazing to see that you can basically "create" a person from scratch, through this technology and, if you play it just right, you can actually really screw other people's lives in the process - as I said, in my high school, twenty five years ago, the only way to do that was to start vicious rumors or - write something really horrible on the bathroom wall :0  the times truly have changed.

Nonetheless, I found myself completely engrossed in the storyline - even if I did not agree with what they were doing.  I found myself feeling sorry for Julian at times and even Raye and Ella had their moments -

The writing is great and the pacing is just perfect.  This is a great novel of revenge :)  and, unfortunately, the act of revenge hasn't changed much in the last 25 years!
I have to admit that as I was reading this book - the one thing that kept coming into my head was the fact that the premise, for most of this novel, would absolutely not have been possible when I was in high school and this was a bit of a scary thought.


Wall-to-wall books said...

Well this book sounds good!
I'm going to have to start making a list of books to read for the next read-a-thon. I think I read a few of your books last time.

bermudaonion said...

Just think how I feel - I graduated 35 years ago! That cover totally creeps me out, but I think the book sounds great!

Laura at Library of Clean Reads said...

I went to a parent conference two years ago that explained cyber bullying. It was fascinating but scary at how easy it is and ultimately so sad for our youth. Technology has changed the way teens interact, that's for sure.

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