2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

REVIEW for Rose Sees Red

Another huge thank you goes out to Nikole at Scholastic for sending me this book.

TITLE:               Rose Sees Red

AUTHOR:         Cecil Castellucci

GENRE:           YA
RATING:         3 Stars

This is the second book I have read by this author and frankly, I found myself having the same dilemna with this one as I did with Beige - while the writing is okay, I find myself feeling as though the entire book is just "fair". 

It seems as though the book starts off really well, but then, I find myself disconnecting a little bit, although, in the case of this book, I know it is because it is set in 1982 - which may be the issue -I normally like to read stories based on today's timeline.

I also found this book to be a bit outlandish - and difficult to swallow - up to a point.  There are Russians involved and a backstory that feels improbable to me.

As I said, the writing is nice - the pacing is fine and I like that the author uses down to earth prose - not the overly blown up prose that some authors seem to feel they need to make their stories interesting.

Still, I just found myself not engaging or buying this storyline all that much.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I don't mind a book set in the recent past, so I might enjoy this one more than you did.

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