2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

REVIEW For The Lighter Side of Life and Death

Thank you to C.K. Kelly Martin for sending me a copy of her book!

TITLE:                     The Lighter Side of Life and Death

AUTHOR:                C.K. Kelly Martin

GENRE:                   YA

RATING:                 4 Stars

I have enjoyed every book written by this author and The Lighter Side of Life and Death is another winning book!

Firstly, I want to encourage this great Canadian author - but more importantly, her stories and plotlines are always, always both heartwarming and incredibly true to real life.

Unlike other YA, The Lighter Side of Life and Death does not shy away from exploring a sensitive issue - sex and teens - but does so in such a delicate and sensitive manner, that somehow, while the act of sex is present in the book - it is completely overshadowed by the main characters who are struggling to "deal" with their actions.

The author does not discourage or encourage author - but rather takes a frank look at how sex can affect people, friendships and the rest of your life.

The writing is beautiful and poignant and I felt for each character - even though they both chose to deal with "what happened" in completely different ways. While it might have been tempting to "judge" the outcome - the fact is that the author does such a great job of fleshing out her characters that you get to "discover" just why each of these reacted the way they did - which goes a long way in understanding the situation and seeing it from a variety of points of view.

I loved it.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

This sounds like it would be really relevant for older teens to read.

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