2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

REVIEW For Ruthless

Thank you to Adam at Harlequin for sending me this book.

TITLE:                        Ruthless

AUTHOR:                  Anne Stuart

GENRE:                     Historical Fiction

RATING:                   3 Stars

As a rule, I don't usually read historical fiction, but I had heard some good things about Anne Stuart and thought I would it give a try.

Ruthless appears to be the first book in a trilogy - which I think will work well - considering the characters in the book and the potential that the author has given them and future plotlines.

Having said that, the storyline is basically about a mother (who was once royalty of some type) and her two daughters who try to "fit" into a world that is no longer available to them. In fact, a good chunk of the book is driven by the mother who will do just about anything to reclaim both a title and a fortune - to the detriment of her daughters.

Concurrently, we meet the eldest daughther who is THE main character of the storyline. I loved reading about how strong and stable she was, despite her upbringing and the constant challenges presented by her mother.

Overall, I though the book was okay - nothing outstanding, but nonetheless interesting.


Wall-to-wall books said...

EWWW, sorry not into hard core romance.

bermudaonion said...

I don't think that's the book for me.

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