2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, October 1, 2010

REVIEW for Empty

Once again, I must send a huge thank you to Nikole at Scholastic!!!

TITLE:                  Empty

AUTHOR:             Suzanne Weyn

GENRE:                YA

RATING:              4 Stars

In the publishing world, it is obvious that certain "genres" make an appearance and become quite popular, at least for some time and dystopia appears to be the next big thing.  Well, Empty falls squarely into this genre and although I am not usually a big fan, I have to say that I found myself completely engaged in this storyline.

Teen characters Nicki, Tom, and Leila are perfectly written with a blend of young adult naivity which soon gives way to having to grow up very, very quickly in order to survive in a world that, all of a sudden is missing just about everything.  It appears as though they will have to find a way to survive, as more and more responsibility fall on their young shoulders.

The storyline is completely absorbing, mainly because a) it is well written and b) because it is incredibly timely and completely possible.  While I was reading this novel, I kept asking myself how would I react if I had to live in this world?  Which is kind of a blend of a bleak future, with a touch of how it must have been like to live in the 1800's.... 

This book is entertaining, but at the same time is specifically designed to make you think and consider the future, as well as how easily we can all lose it.

I loved this book and was sorry to see it end.


Wall-to-wall books said...

Hmmm this one sounds really interesting!

bermudaonion said...

I enjoy dystopia if it's done well and this one sounds like it is!

avisannschild said...

This sounds like a great book, Tina! And I love the cover!

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