2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

REVIEW for Anywhere, Anytime, Any Body Yoga

A big thank you to Hunter House Publishers and  Reina for sending me this book!

TITLE:               Anywhere, Anytime, Any Body Yoga

AUTHOR:          Emily Slonina

GENRE:             Fitness

RATING:           4 Stars

I jumped on the occasion to read and review this book because of the subject matter, but also because the yoga poses are soooo easy to perform in just about any situation and any location.

The pictures are good (although I must admit that compared to some other yoga books, the pictures where not as detailed or well done) but nonetheless, it gets the point across and you can, indeed, see just how to perform each pose properly.

This book has a series of different poses for both men and women and the levels vary from easy to harder - but all can be done in a moment's notice.

I liked this one alot.
As you may know, I have embraced yoga for the last year or so and have truly enjoyed reading up on the subject (not to mention, of course, enjoyed the actual yoga!).


Wall-to-wall books said...

Oh this looks like a good one!

avisannschild said...

This sounds like a great book, Tina! I may have to get myself a copy, as I'm on the lookout for some good yoga books.

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