2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

REVIEW for The Love Goddess Cooking School

A big, big thank you goes out to author Melissa Senate for being sooooo kind in sending me a copy of her book!

TITLE:                          The Love Goddess Cooking School

AUTHOR:                     Melissa Senate

GENRE:                         Fiction

RATING:                       4 Stars

I have been reading Melissa Senate's books since I fell in love with See Jane Date and I have never stopped!

The Love Goddess Cooking School is another touching, funny and loving book - and a definite winner for this author.

As you all know I am a huge fan of chick lit and, I have to admit that, once again, I am totally bummed to see that a "former" chick lit author is now writing more contemporary fiction novels - I wish they would continue writing wonderful chick lit.  However, having said that, I have to admit that The Love Goddess Cooking School, while definitely contemporary fiction, still ended up demonstrating shades of chick lit love. 

The main character Holly Maguire and her constant back stories to her grandmother Camilla and all of the "wisdom" Camilla has instilled in Holly over the years, especially about love, food and marriage is, for the main part, funny and touching at the same time.

Holly is looking for direction and love and in the process, discovers that her grandma actually knows what she was talking about, especially when it comes to wisdom, friendship and love - which is found in the places and with the people Holly never thought she would end up being and visiting.

As always, the story is wonderful, engaging and completely down to earth.  You want to be right there, living and experimenting with Holly and, of course, discovering just how wonderful life can be - if you just stop and smell the flowers.

I loved, loved this book and I love, love this author.


bermudaonion said...

This sounds perfect for me!

Melissa Senate said...

Thank you SO much for this amazing review, Tina! You made me smile with your comments about chick lit. I don't think I'll ever pull that far away from my roots!

Thank you again!

avisannschild said...

I've been wondering if I'd like this book and I'm still not sure. As you know, I'm not a huge fan of chick lit! :)

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