2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, October 11, 2010

REVIEW for Brady, Brady, Brady

A big thank you goes out to Running Press Book Publishers for sending me a copy of this great book!

TITLE:                 Brady, Brady, Brady

AUTHOR:            Sherwood Schwartz

GENRE:               Entertainment/Memoir

RATING:              4 Stars

I have no idea why I keep reading books on the Brady Bunch - especially since I cannot claim to be a "true fan". However, I find the logistics and issues behind making television shows during this era completely fascinating and since Sherwood Schwartz was such a huge part of this era, I was dying to find out more about the whole thing -directly from the guy who was definitely "in the know".

I am also completely amazed at how you can watch a TV show that looks so perfect, perky and innocent, all the while, knowing that there is a bunch of backstabbing, drug taking and huge conflicts going on - none of which appears on screen.

Of course, this is thanks, in great part, to Schwartz who is an absolute mastermind, not to mention a saint for putting up with so much "Brady crap". I think I would have told jut about everyone on that set to "drop dead" in the first season.

This is why reading Brady, Brady, Brady is so entertaining. Discovering just how dysfunctional this "perfect" TV family truly was - from the anal Robert Reed to the cute Marcia who, apparently, was hiding more than just one secret - the entire read feels like you are an insider getting some juicy gossip that nobody else gets to hear.

Schwartz does not hold back with the truth, although he is always the perfect professional by not reducing himself to name calling or rude remarks. Rather, he sticks to the crazy facts and let's us, the readers, draw our own conclusions.

I loved this book.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I am a Brady fan, so I bet I would love this book!

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