2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

REVIEW for Christmas at the Mysterious Bookshop

Another big thank you goes out to Jennifer for sending this book along to me!

TITLE:              Christmas at the Mysterious Bookshop

AUTHOR:         Otto Penzler

GENRE:            Mystery

RATING:          4 Stars

I love the concept behind this book -  Penzler, who owns the Mysterious Bookshop in New York, which I visited a few years ago in NY, committed one "secret" mystery writer to write a story with the following requirements:  it has to be Christmas oriented and it has to be centered at the Mysterious Bookshop.  Over the course of time, quite a few "secret" authors actually got involved and what has now resulted is this book.

Of course, because each story is written by a different writer, you can easily note the different styles and approaches contained in the book.  This is usually a bit of a problem for me as I am not a fan of "short stories"by various authors.  Nonetheless, the book ended up being a fun, fun read! thanks to the fact that each author has injected their very own style to each story - be it, suspense, humor or a combination of the two.

I really liked reading this one and, of course, reading about Christmas in September is perfect for putting me in the mood for winter, snow and, of course, Christmas.

1 comment:

Wall-to-wall books said...

I LOVE the cover of this book! But I don't do short stories. Might be good for a Christmas book though, I'll think about it, LOL.

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