2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

REVIEW for All you Get is Me and Interview Author - BLOG TOUR

I was very happy when Harper Collins Canada asked me to be part of this blog tour!  Here is my review and a great interview with the author.

If you would like to "browse" the book, simply follow this Harper Collins Canada link:  http://browseinside.harpercollins.ca/index.aspx?isbn13=9781554685141

I really wasn't sure what to expect with All you Get is Me, but I have to admit that both the cover AND the title attracted me greatly.

Having said that, I have to admit that I really enjoyed this book, despite the fact that the author threw so much stuff into the storyline that frankly, if you don't focus on the plot, you will eventually get lost in the happenings.

I liked the main character Roar - her life has been and continues to be completely turned around and, for the most part, she often feels completely out of control - without much of a say about what is going on with her or her life. This, to me, was one of the more interesting aspects of this book. Roar is finding out all about her life and that destiny has its own way of making itself known - whether you like it or not.

Whether it is about discovering first love, or trying to find a way to put difficult and painful events into perspective, this book is a great reminder to all YA that life can be challening but also wonderful - as long as you are open and willing to feel and live your life.

The writing was great, not preachy and definitely engaging. I am a big fan of novels that show you how life has its own way of "giving you all that need" if not "all that you want".

Excellent job by the author.

A special thank you to both Melissa at Harper Collins and author Yvonne Prinz for giving me a great opportunity.

I am thrilled to have Yvonne Prinz as a guest author on my blog. Here is the interview that she was kind enough to give me.

1) The title of this book is interesting and it goes well with the storyline, how did you choose it?

It's the title of a k.d Lang song that I've always loved. In the book, Aurora leaves her city self behind and eventually becomes a more authentic version of herself. She grows to love who she is and I believe that it's this more confident, more self assured Roar that Forest falls in love with.

2) One of the main themes of this novel, in my opinion, is about accepting destiny and believing in it - do you believe that life is predestined? or do you believe that choose your own path?

That's a good question. I'm not really sure. I do sometimes think that destiny needs a kick in the butt to really get it going. What I mean by that is you can up and move to Colorado and fall in love and find your way in the world but it was you who had to up and move before any of that could happen. You have to be brave sometimes, take the leap that jumpstarts your destiny.

3) There are a lot of things going on in Roar's life at the same time - which single event do you think defines her life the most? (personally, I think it is her mother)

Absolutely. Her abandonment by her mother is the event that pushes her into her new self. For most of the book, she's struggling with it but that day in the chicken coop, she finally understands that she's the woman of the farm. There are events that take place in the story, like the accident, and the photography contest, and falling in love, that change her forever but losing her mother is the most devastating thing that's ever happened to her and the one thing she has to move on from.

4) Why do you write YA novels?

I started with a middle grade series (Still There, Clare, Not Fair, Clare, and Double-Dare Clare). I had a great time writing about Clare, an odd young girl who thinks for herself but keeps a constant dialogue going with her imaginary friend. It occurred to me that I could get a lot deeper into a young woman's psyche if I wrote YA so I gave it a shot. I also like the idea of exploring social issues and sexuality in my characters.

The YA market has changed a lot since I started writing and I'm not sure it's for the better. I hope that there will always be a place for smart books on the YA shelf.

5) Who was your favorite author when you were growing up and did she/he influence your writing?

I was a voracious reader. I went from stacks of Pony Club Camp books to Judy Blume to Truman Capote. I was the kid in the corner curled up with a book that you don't see so much anymore. I loved mysteries and crime novels and then I started reading anything that was set in New York. I became obsessed with New York as a backdrop. I imagined it as this place where intellectuals populate the streets and everyone talks like Woody Allen. I suppose it is like that in a way. I think that the way I write dialogue was highly influenced by all the books and movies I saw as a kid.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

The book sounds great and perfect for its audience because preachy never works for teens.

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