2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

REVIEW for Zero Day

TITLE:             Zero Day

AUTHOR:       Mark RUssinovich

GENRE:           Thriller

RATING:         3 Stars

Thank you to Amy at Phenix and Phenix Publicity for sending me a copy of this book.

I had extremely high hopes for this book as I use to absolutely love to read this type of "armagedeon" type of scenario.

How things have changed from a few years ago.  Now, they write these type of books using a computer virus as the deadly weapon - scary stuff, especially since I am one who believes that our world is already moving way too quickly.

Having said that, Zero Day's main plotline sounded wonderful and I happily dove in.  While the book is not horrible, it is also not all that compelling and I tried to figure out why, until I realized that this book seriously suffers from "TMI" - too much information.

The thing is, when you read about technology, two things happen - either a) you know exactly what all the technical terms mean or b) you have no clue and don't really want to discover it.  Either way, the author uses wayyyyy toooo much info to get the knowledge across.

This ended up being a serious detriment to the pace of the book and this is something that is crucial for me - especially in a thriller.

I liked the main characters Jeff Aiken and Daryl Haugen and I was really rooting for them to figure out who was doing what and, more importantly, how to "save" the world - but, for the most part, I also find myself putting this book down pretty often - which is a sure sign that I was not all that engaged in the first place.

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