2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

BLOG TOUR STOP FOR: You are not your Brain

I am thrilled to be taking part in the TLC Book Tour for You are not your Brain - the 4 Step Solution.

TITLE:                           You are not your Brain

AUTHORS:                   Jeffrey M. Schwartz, M.D. and Rebecca Gladding, M.D.

GENRE:                        Non fiction

RATING:                      4 Stars

Let's face it, for most of us the brain is a mystery and it becomes an even greater ? when we try to figure out how the brain AND the body work together.

While it has been said that we only use a tiny part of our brain, it is obvious that modern science has chosen to focus intently on this part of the "human condition", which makes reading You are not your Brain a "must" in order to gain a better understanding of all it all "connects".

The authors have obviously researched the subject matter in great detail and have established that there are 4 basic steps that need to be taken in order to a)  better understand our brain and b) gain a better understanding of the fact that "we" are not our brains - meaning that the messages that are sent out by the brain do not necessarily have to be "the end all" for us.  Yes, we can replace those negative or harmful messages with positive ones by working on our relationship with our brain.

The authors advocate a strong belief in relabelling, reframing, refocusing as well as revaluating all the messages that are transmitted from our brain.  While this may sound confusing to some, You are not your Brain does a wonderful job of clearly explaining the processes involved and shies away from using a bunch of medical jargon that, frankly, nobody can understand.

I thought this book was educational, entertaining and on some level hopeful - telling me that I can definitely rework my relationship with a part of "me" that is often getting me in wayyyy too much trouble.

Great read.


avisannschild said...

This sounds like a very interesting book. Were you able to apply some of the things it talked about?

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you found this book to be readable and helpful.

Thanks for being on the tour! I'm featuring your review on TLC's Facebook page today.

Laura at Library of Clean Reads said...

I love books that teach about the brain or the psychology of behaviour. This one sounds good. And it does make sense. Stroke victims have to relearn many skills thus reprogramming their brains, so to speak.

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