2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

REVIEW for Switch

A big thank you goes out to Harper Collins Canada for sending me this book to read and review.

TITLE:              Switch

AUTHOR:        Tish Cohen

GENRE:           YA

RATING:          4 Stars

From page 63 of "Switch" - "I would give anything - anything- to have wapped places with Joules in that music room.

To me, this is pretty much the sentence that says it all (not to mention starts it all).

Switch, by Tish Cohen is a fun and engaging book that challenges its readers to FINALLY, once and for all discover whether the "grass really is greener on the other side". 

The main characters - good girl Andrea and Joules, rule breaker and spoiled daughter of a rock star are two entertaining characters, both young adults who both have alot to learn about themselves, each other and life in general.

Although this type of storyline has been "used" before and they have, in fact, even made movies about this, what sets Cohen's book apart from others is the honest way she portrays her characters - all of them. I also truly enjoyed the great job the author does on setting up the plot, so that we get a much clearer understanding of just why these two young girls would want to switch places with each other.

Switch was fun to read, but also delivers a strong message - to find joy in everyday life - in YOUR life, because everyone has a destiny and, if you had the chance to live someone else's life - you might just discover that it ain't all that great when you get up front and personal with it.

The writing was down to earth and did not include a bunch of useless details that would simply drag the storyline down.  The author knows how to create and build a story that stands up on its own, through strong characters and a strong end message.

One side note, I absolutely hated Andrea's mother in this book.  I found her annoying, silly and so obviously over the top in many ways, which completely made me understand where Andrea was coming from :)


bermudaonion said...

This plot has been done so many times, but it's still loads of fun!

Wall-to-wall books said...

Sounds like a good book! I'll add it to my maybe list. I just made that up! I never had a maybe list before, but I should, don't you think?

Jennifer | Mrs Q Book Addict said...

I've never read any Tish Cohen books. I would really like to give her a try. Great review!

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