2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

BEA - Precision and military planning

BEA is coming up quickly and to be honest, I am completely amazed at hom much planning is going into this trip.

My friend Cindy (who is coming with me to BEA) and I met up once to discuss logistics.  Since then, we have, without a doubt, exchange at least 30 emails, most of which are invitations to attend various parties and events AND/OR to visit particular booths while at BEA.

I love, love how we are invited to so many events and I hope to be able to do it all - but I am honestly wondering how we are going to keep it all straight in our heads.

We have discussed various 'tools' such as calendars, notebooks, notepads, etc. but somehow none of it is enough.

I have been making up lists and printing out maps (god forbid we should get lost in NYC again this year!) and I realized yesterday that I must have at least one pound of paper - which is not great since I already have a weight limit on the amount of stuff I can pack for the plane! ARGHGHGH@!!
I swear, world leaders have nothing on me - I mean I am planning this thing with military precision! which, of course, will immediately disintegrate the moment my feet touch the ground in NYC (Murphy's law and all that).

Don't get me wrong, I am soooo grateful to be going to BEA and to be invited to such great events, but I better leave soon, before I implode or, at the very least, my mountains of paper start toppling on me.  On the positive side, I found my passport yesterday, which was, of course, buried under a pile of papers on my kitchen table (which I haven't been able to use for weeks).

I cannot wait to get to NYC so that I can start shredding some of this paper LOL

Are you going to BEA? I would love to hear about your trip planning experiences.


bermudaonion said...

I'll be there! Do you have a smartphone? You can use it and eliminate some of that paper.

cindysloveofbooks said...

LOL Tina so help me god if we get lost again in NYC I will scream LOL you should see all the papers I have. I think its just as much as you.

Although today I did find a free thing online to print a daily calendar so I printed some sheets off and I will try and use that to make notes etc on it.

We are almost there.

Laura at Library of Clean Reads said...

Tina, I can imagine that BEA can be quite overwhelming with all the events there is to go to, but just don't forget to ENJOY yourself!! If you have to miss out on something because you'd rather be absorbing it all in as you chat with other bloggers, then that's okay too. Have FUN!!! I'll be thinking of you and Cindy.

Donna said...

Oh! You're not taking the lovely train ride this year! :)

I hope you have loads of fun, Tina!

Wall-to-wall books said...

UGH! I am so jealous! I wish I could go to something like this!
I will just live vicariously through you! So have fun!

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