2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

REVIEW for Seven Clues to Winning You

Thank you to author Kristin Walker for sending me this book.

TITLE:                      Seven Clues to Winning You

AUTHOR:                 Kristin Walker

GENRE:                     YA

RATING:                   3.5 stars

I loved A Match Made in High School so I was extremely excited to read this newest book by author Kristin Walker.

Sven Clues to Winning You is also set in the senior high school setting (which, it itself, could be considered scary enough).  Walker’s main character, Blythe was a lot of fun to follow, sympathize and yell at (not necessarily in that order).  She was also very, very ‘teenagist’, basically flipping back and forth between revenge and guilt.

I have to admit that I wasn’t quite sure why Blythe (or the other students) were making such a big deal out of her picture.  Yes, it was embarrassing, but considering what happens in high schools today, I kind of thought her ‘action’ was tame compared to other things.  Nonetheless, it served as the catalyst for an entertaining story of teenage angst, love and every thing in between.

I must admit that I felt as though I had whiplash trying to follow Blythe’s ‘official’ position on the Senior Scramble (she wants it, she doesn’t, then she wants it again).

Of course, the male character Luke was a nice touch.  Here again, I could not quite figure out why someone like Luke would have gone along with the printing of the ‘item’ that basically made/makes Blythe life very difficult at her high school (journalistic integrity and all that) but I like the way these two interact and despite their differences try to work together (sort of LOL).

I did like this story as it kept me engaged, but if I had to choose, I would still say that A Match Made in High School was my favorite.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

Teens seem to like drama these days so they make a big deal out of everything! The book sounds fun.

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