2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, May 18, 2012

REVIEW for Confessions of a Cake Addict

A big thank you goes out to the author for sending me a copy of her ebook.

TITLE:               Confessions of a Cake Addict
AUTHOR:         Emma Kaufmann

GENRE:            Chick Lit


Okay, there was no way I was going to pass up the opportunity of reviewing a book called Confessions of a Cake Addict – the title is just too delicious (and just too me!).

Having said that, I have to be honest and say that I had mixed feelings about this book.  I liked the premise – two sisters exchanging letters about life, love and advice giving.  But I found myself getting confused by the style as well, which is odd because I have read my share of these types of books and normally enjoy them very much.  The result is that I often found myself having to rewind a little bit and figure out who was saying what and on which subject.

I did, however, like Kate, mainly because she represented to me what many women are struggling with in every day life.  She also sounded like a normal woman – one who occasionally eats too much cake, who knows that she is nothing like a supermodel, but also a woman who keeps hope alive.   I also liked the way this book represented two very different points of view – those of Kate, who was actually living many of the situations and those of her sister, who insisted on giving Kate good advice, but could not really figure out why Kate wasn’t ‘just’ taking the advice and running with it.  This kind of proved to me that, in fact, giving advice, even if it is done with love, is so much easier than actually putting the advice into practice – its so much easier when you are NOT the one living the situation.

The book was engaging and any talk of food was an added bonus, but I just wish the storyline had been a bit easier to follow.


bermudaonion said...

Giving advice is much easier than doing something for sure! The book sounds like fun!

MommyHeadache said...

Thanks so much for the review! I suppose Kate was a character I created who just didn't want to take her sister's good advice....I think maybe a lot of us have been there.

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