2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

BEA BOUND!!! Finally!!!!

Well, BEA (Book Expo America) is almost here and I can't wait.  I started saving for this event, in New York City, last May 2011 and it literally feels as though I have been waiting for this for years and years.  *Note to self:  NEVER, EVER start saving for something one year ahead of time - it makes the time feel twice as long!!!

I managed to save all the cash I will need for my one week stay in New York. Let's just say that I could have given a hefty down payment on a car with the money it will be costing me to stay in New York for the week! but I am excited, excited, excited.

The last time I was at BEA was 2010 and I really missed it.  I am going with my friend Cindy   Cindy and we met up in order to set our agenda for the week and its occurred to me that our week is going to be completely crazy.  Still - I can't wait - imagine an entire week of books, books and, of course, the star of it all New York City.

I am excited about going to one Author breakfast hosted by Kirstie Alley.  Not sure why I am kind of fascinated by Alley, but there you have it.  We have also been invited to parties hosted by:  Random House, HarperCollins as well as various other "events" hosted by various PR companies and even some authors.  I will also FINALLY get to meet Linda who works for Rodmell Press (my favorite publishing house when it comes to Yoga boooks)  http://rodmellpress.com/aboutus.html

Bring it on NEW YORK CITY AND BEA - I am ready (I think!).


bermudaonion said...

I'm looking forward to BEA too!

avisannschild said...

I just cancelled my reservation at the hotel in NYC. :(

I'm sad I'm not going with you guys, but I hope you have an absolute blast and I want to hear all about it when you get back!

Wall-to-wall books said...

Oh yay! you go girl!
Looking forward to your report after.

Tina said...

Stay tuned Wall-to-wall Books, I will definitely be blogging about the event when I get back. :)

Laura at Library of Clean Reads said...

Lucky, lucky girl!! I hope you have lots of fun and discover plenty of new authors and books.

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