2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

REVIEW for Pushing the Limits

Thank you to the wonderful people at Harlequin for allowing me to get a free NetGalley copy of this wonderful book.

TITLE:                   Pushing the Limits 

AUTHOR:              Kartie McGarry

GENRE:                 YA


I am completely in love with this book.

Pushing the Limits was both intriguing and highly engaging and the main characters, although incredibly flawed and broken were so well written that I felt as though I knew them.

The story is fairly basic – boy and girl – both are emotionally wounded in their own ways, Echo has lived through a dramatic event with her mother, which she has completely blocked out and Noah’s life changed in a second, after his parents died in a fire.

From the beginning you can truly feel the pain both of these YA are living.  The author has done an amazing job of doling out, in just the right measure, our main characters back story, all the while keeping us firmly in the present by offering up some wonderful moments of ‘getting to know each other’.

The character of Mrs. Collins was brilliant and I loved her.  I wish I had a Mrs. Collins when I was in high school.

What I also loved about this book is that the author and the characters don’t shy away from the hard parts of life.  This is not a ‘sugarcoated’ story, but neither is it gratuitous with the sex and/violence.  

I found myself rooting for Echo and Noah and even Beth at times J

If you want to read one of the best YA stories in a long time, then buy this book.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I would have totally ignored this book if I hadn't read your review, but 5 stars from you is something!!

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