2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

REVIEW for Silentaria - What`s Real

I was thrilled to receive this wonderful download to listen to and review!

TITLE:            Silentaria - What's Real?

GENRE:         Music Download (Conceptual album)


I am never asked to review music which is kind of sad as I do enjoy discovering new sounds.

However, I was thrilled to get a chance to listen to Silentaria, What`s Real? as this is exactly my type of music.  It is ¨`new age`` based and to be honest, you have to be in the mood to listen to this type of music.  It is not the type of music that I would normally play at parties, etc. but it is the perfect music if you want to relax, meditate or even just sit down and contemplate life.

I loved the haunting sounds and each track was completely different all the while retaining that same note of calmness and at times, even calmness which made me take the time to sit down with my thoughts and sort through it all.

This is a beautiful album to appreciate and enjoy.

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