2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, August 6, 2012


I am happy to be joining Chick Lit Plus http://www.clpblogtours.com/2012/05/fatty-patty-by-kathleen-irene-paterka.html for a blog tour of the book Fatty Patty.

TITLE:             Fatty Patty

AUTHOR:       Kathleen Irene Paterka

GENRE:           Fiction


Books, whether they are fiction or non fiction that deal with the difficult and sensitive storyline of weight and body issues are always very close to my heart, which is why I did not hesitate to read and review Fatty Patty.

First off, I loved, loved the book, but hated, hated the title.  Yes, I do realize that the title is about sending a message and was, in fact, exactly how Patty viewed herself, but still – it made my hair stand up on end!

Reading this book was difficult for me as the main character experienced so many episodes that I could absolutely relate to.  I spent a considerable amount of time trying to push back tears at how sad and unhappy Patty was – even in those moments where I did not like her all that much.  But then again, that was one of the best things about this book, the fact that Patty was a normal human being who could do some mean things at times.

I found myself liking her though, yes, because of her weight issues, but also because she was determined to find a way to be at a happier place – something we all aspire to.

I always felt that people who do not have weight issues should be forced to read and every book on the subject matter, just so they could get even a tiny little taste of what it is like to walk around struggling to accept your own reality – which you would change in a heartbeat – if only it meant you could be skinny.

This book is hopeful and honest – a wonderful combination.


Samantha said...

Thanks for being in the tour!

Kathleen Irene Paterka said...

Tina, I'm so glad you enjoyed PATTY'S story. It was painful to write, but I did want to leave the reader with a sense of hope. Patty deserved some happiness, and I'm happy she found it.


Kathleen Irene Paterka said...

Samantha, this is my first tour stop! I'm enjoying it!


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