2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sharing some Summer Saturday Fun

BEA has already been over for 2 months and Cindy (from Cindysloveofbooks) and I realized that we hadn't seen each other since then- which is unusual for us as we always get together at least once a month to chat and exchange book stuff (of course).

So, yesterday, Saturday we finally met up for breakfast at our usual favorite restaurant.

It was great to see Cindy and, of course, we ended up with ton of gossip and chit chat to exchange with one of our topics being BEA.

Here are Cindy and I enjoying breakfast (I swear I did comb my hair before leaving that morning LOL).

Cindy was also very, very generous and gave me a book that has been on my "TO GET" list and surprised me with a beautiful bookmark from Lake George as well as a ton of make up and hair products that she had extras of.

She also gave me all the magazines that she had accumulated over the last two months (over 30 of them), so I am totally set for reading material for the next month!

Thank you sooooooo much Cindy!!!! You are great.

Her wonderful son Michael, who is the sweetest little boy, also sent along a present for me as he knows my love for all things Hello Kitty!  Thank you Michael and hugs and kisses to you xoxo


Kate @Midnight Book Girl said...

I just may have to find a way up to Canada! I'm glad ya'll are going to BEA, I'm going to do my best to make it up there too, even if it's just for a day. I can't wait!

bermudaonion said...

Cindy is so sweet so I know you had fun! It must have felt like your birthday with all those goodies!

Unknown said...

ohhh how I wish I was able to come spend the morning with you two ladies!!! We muuuust pick a day as soon as I get back from Vegas on the 28th! Love the pictures and thank you for sharing!!! :D Miss you!! *HUGS!*

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