2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Happy Saturday!

The book world has been a little quiet for me lately.  Many things have been happening and it seems as though I just haven't been able to read as much as I would like.  I also am discovering that, unfortunately, there aren't all that many books out there that are truly calling my name right now.

Having said that, however, I did want to share a "book related event" with you this week that was very exciting for me.

As many of you know I live in Montreal and while this city is absolutely wonderful in so many ways, we are not known at the "book" capitol of the world - in fact, we are not even known as the book capitol of Canada.

So, when author Isabelle Laflèche, author of one of my absolutely favorite books J'adore New York offered to meet me in order to give me a copy of her soon to be released second book J'adore Paris, I jumped at the opportunity.
Author Isabelle Laflèche
Isabelle is a Montreal author who has sold her book rights to many countries, including the US.  She also happens to write my favorite genre "smart chick lit" - I could not believe my luck.

I rarely "fan" over authors and, for the most part, I am fine with never meeting them or having my books signed by them.  To me, the storyline is the most imprtant aspect anyway - but I have been known to make a few exceptions and when I saw that Isabelle signed her book for me, I was psyched.

Soon to be released J'adore Paris

Meeting someone you admire is always a gamble and, for the most part, I try to shy away from this because I am too afraid to come back disappointed.  But, I had to meet Isabelle and I can honestly tell you that she was extremely down to earth, interesting and also gave out a calm and peaceful vibe somehow.

Needless to say, I will be storing this experience as a very positive one.

Here are the links to Isabelle`s books online.....treat yourself.




bermudaonion said...

How wonderful! I bet that was a lot of fun!

traveler said...

I was born in Montreal and lived there for many years. That is wonderful to have met this lovely author. Since Montreal is so special why is there nowhere to find good books. When I lived there, bookstores abounded everywhere. What a shame.

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